Thursday, July 16, 2015

What a Whirlwind!

Wow.  Since getting Pete we have been going at a crazy pace!  It's been great, and a post about one part of it is coming up quite soon.

I've realized that I actually really like the camping, as long as I have earplugs.  I've also realized that it is impossible for children to get enough sleep if the sun sets at 9.30 and rises at 5.30 and birds are practically chirping in your ear.  I've also realized that driving takes a lot longer than anticipated.

To that last end, we've also realized that we're going to have to modify the trip a little bit.  Some of it will be good (yay, Moab!) and some of it will be sad (boo, cutting out fun parks like Craters of the Moon and Rocky Mtn National Park).  The kids to great in the car for about 6 hours, and then they kind of start to lose their cool, not that I blame them.  So we're making some changes to accommodate that as much as possible (not possible in every case of course.  Tomorrow is the diagonal drive across Nevada that is probably going to take us 10 hours.  But I'd rather do that only once).

But, in this case, flexibility is the name of the game.  The point is to have fun, not to get everything off a checklist.  So we've just been noting places to which we're going to have to return (I'm looking at you, Colorado).

The kids and I have now been on the road for a little over two weeks.  We're almost at the other side of the country.  We've seen SO MUCH amazing stuff.  And there's so much more to come.  We knew there was no way we could see everything we wanted to see while on this trip, but it has given us a lot to look forward to for the future.


1 comment:

  1. Everyone is doing and growing and learning and enjoying. So great! What a wonderful adventure. Love you and miss you, Mom/Grandma
